The construction industry is looking for specialists in Energy and Environmental Performance of Buildings: a degree prepares you for this

26 July 2022 Off By Marie-Christine MICHEL

The University of Caen Normandy’s “Building and Public Works: Energy and Environmental Performance of Buildings (P2EB)” professional degree prepares job seekers for this highly sought-after specialty in 9 months, and there are still a few places available for the next academic year.

July 2022 – Despite the tensions in the supply of materials, the construction sector is not experiencing a crisis. After an increase of +2.5% in 2021, the sector’s growth continues in 2022 with +3.5% in the first quarter (+4.3% annualized). Provided that companies find the skills they need, hiring should also grow by +20% in 2022. The University of Caen Normandy, always attentive to the job market and the needs of companies, has set up a degree that meets both the government’s expectations on the environmental issue and the growing demand of the construction sector for qualified personnel, level II, necessary to support the energy transition. Registration is still possible for the start of the 2022/2023 academic year next September, with the training taking place in St-Lô. 

A diploma and a job in a year

In line with the needs of the building industry and the various national policies on energy transition, the P2EB professional degree aims to train in 9 months (450 hours of teaching, 150 hours of tutored project and 16 or 32 weeks of internship in the company) middle managers, versatile and operational technicians who master the global approach to energy performance of buildings and associated facilities (conventional and renewable), both new and renovation. Thus, job seekers with a DUT (GTE, GCCD, GIM, MP), BTS (FED, Building, EEC, Building envelope) or L2 mention Civil Engineering and who can prove significant professional experience in the P2EB field can enroll in the license. This degree can also be obtained through the Validation of Experience (VAE).

The training benefits from the active support of the main regional players in the building sector: companies, communities, professional federations (FFB, FEDENE, CAPEB …) and state services (ADEME, DREAL).

Amphithéatre de l'Université de Caen Normandie - Crédit : UCN

Witnessing of a graduate of the license

“After training in civil engineering and 20 years in the building sector, I needed to brush up on all aspects of energy and above all I wanted to give more meaning to my work and take on new challenges. Six years ago, when I was unemployed, I decided to follow the training of the University of Caen, the P2EB Licence. I thought that this specialty would be a real plus on my CV. I was not mistaken. As soon as I graduated, I got a job as a flow economist at Saint-Lô Agglo, which significantly increased my salary and my responsibilities. This training has been a real springboard for my career, giving more meaning to what I do through my social and environmental involvement. Today, I am continuing my professional development and just one year ago I joined the Syndicat Départemental d’Énergies de la Manche (SDEM50) as a shared energy advisor,” explains Valérie Martin, a graduate of the P2EB degree program at the University of Caen Normandy.

The P2EB License to meet the needs of the construction sector

The University of Caen Normandie’s professional degree in “Energy and Environmental Performance of Buildings (P2EB)” is the perfect answer to this need. In one year, it trains middle managers who master the global approach to the energy performance of buildings and associated facilities (conventional and renewable), both in new construction and renovation.

This degree is Effinergie certified (Energy efficiency and comfort in buildings). This approval validates the quality of the training provided and its compatibility with the standards defined by Effinergie.

Registration still possible for 2022/2023

Not all the places in this future-oriented training are filled yet for the 2022/2023 school year in September. It is therefore still possible to register. How to apply :

First step: Contact the co-leader of the training: +33 (0) 2-33-77-55-27
Second step: Contact the Continuing Education Department of the IUT Cherbourg-Manche: +33 (0)2-33-01-45-28

To learn more about P2EB training