AFTES Excavated soil

Order: waste status of excavated soil

29 June 2021 Off By Marie-Christine MICHEL

An order of June 4, 2021, published on June 27 in the Journal Officiel (No. 0148), provides a framework for the removal from waste status of excavated soil and sediments prepared for use in civil engineering or development.

The procedure allows for the removal of waste status as soon as five criteria are met. In particular, the treatment site and the receiving site must comply with the terms of the recovery guides recognized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

This text had been subject to public consultation in May 2019.

What are the selected guides?

According to the Ministry, the recognized guides were those of Cerema (Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement) and BRGM. Click on the text to read it.

The published order now gives more space to these guides than the initial draft.

To view the order