Tribute to Jean-Luc REITH

19 December 2023 Off By Marie-Christine MICHEL

As we approach the end of the year, a time usually devoted to happy and festive events, we were very sad to learn of the death on 5 November of a very long-standing friend, Jean-Luc Reith.

Jean Luc Reith was there 50 years ago, when the AFTES was founded and the first working groups set up. He was General Secretary of the AFTES from 1997 to 2006. No one can forget this imposing and endearing giant, who was as much at ease in technical meetings as he was in the conviviality and pleasure of being together. He left a lasting mark on our association, which he loved and led with passion. A fuller tribute will be paid to him in the TES magazine in early 2024. All the members of the AFTES share in the grief of his wife, his family and those close to him, and wish to express their emotion on this day.

Illustration: from left to right: Jean-Luc REITH, Jean PHILIPPE, Alain MERCUSOT at the Sainte Barbe celebration in December 2006 at Restaurant Georges in Lyon.

To pay tribute